Governor bill signing

People seeking reproductive and gender-affirming health care in Illinois can now count on additional privacy protections, thanks to legislation spearheaded by State Senator Sara Feigenholtz that was signed by Governor JB Pritzker on Friday.

“In Illinois, we will not let this technology be abused and weaponized as a tool to hunt people down based on a lawful decision that took place during an appointment with their doctor,” said Feigenholtz (D-Chicago). “We have a long history of welcoming those seeking refuge in our state – and this law will help protect that important aspect of our history.”

According to the Illinois Secretary of State’s office, Automatic License Plate Reader data – including real-time location – was previously accessible to out-of-state law enforcement with little to no restrictions. Under Feigenholtz’s law, ALPR data from drivers in Illinois is now protected from being shared with another state’s government or law enforcement for the purposes of investigating or enforcing a law regarding a person’s reproductive health care, gender-affirming care or immigration status.

Under the new law, an out-of-state law enforcement agency who seeks to use ALPR data must now provide a written declaration that the data will not be used to enforce laws that deny an individual the right to obtain lawful health care or detain a person based on their immigration status. Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias worked closely with Senator Feigenholtz and Representative Ann Williams, the bill’s sponsor in the House, to introduce the legislation.

“We have witnessed 20 states systematically dismantling the right to choose in this country plank by plank,” Feigenholtz said. “As anti-choice zealots around the country continue to look for every nook and cranny to criminalize those seeking reproductive health care, we continue to protect them.”

House Bill 3326 was signed into law Friday.

* Equality Illinois…

Advocates celebrated Governor JB Pritzker’s signing of House Bill 1286, legislation that will reduce barriers for businesses serving their communities and customers by allowing for the adoption of gender-neutral multiple-occupancy restrooms by businesses, universities, and building owners who wish to do so.

Sponsored by State Rep. Katie Stuart (D-Edwardsville) and State Sen. Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago), the legislation passed the Illinois Senate 35-20 and the Illinois House 63-41.

House Bill 1286 leaves decisions to adopt a gender-neutral multiple-occupancy restroom up to business and building owners as they determine how best to serve their communities and customers. For those businesses that adopt the restrooms, the bill establishes strong requirements to ensure safety, privacy, and inclusion.

HB 1286 is necessary because existing law and regulations require that gendered facilities be adopted before a gender-neutral multiple-occupancy restroom can be implemented. Thus, existing provisions prevent smaller businesses with less resources from serving their customers by adopting gender-neutral restrooms. In 2021, the City of Chicago adopted an ordinance similar to HB 1286.

* Illinois Trial Lawyers…

For nearly 8 years, rideshare companies such as Uber and Lyft operating in Illinois have benefitted from a unique loophole in the law that has exempted those companies and their agents from the “common carrier doctrine”, which applies to all other carriers (buses, airplanes, trains, taxis and others) that provide for-hire livery services to passengers. The common carrier doctrine holds that these operators and their agents owe passengers the “highest duty of care” in ensuring safety of their operation, and is grounded in the recognition that passengers surrender control of their safety to such operators when they utilize these transportation services.

The enactment of House Bill 2231 removes the special common carrier exemption that was granted to the rideshare industry in 2015, and ensures that all for-hire livery operators in Illinois are held to the same safety standard.

We applaud Governor Pritzker for enacting this common-sense safety measure, and we thank the sponsors Representative Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz and Senator Rob Martwick for championing this bill through the legislative process, and the host of co-sponsors and supporters in the General Assembly that helped put consumer safety ahead of corporate profits.

Rideshare services are a convenient option for Illinois consumers, and certainly have a place in the menu of options for passengers seeking transportation services. Eight years ago, rideshare services were fledgling companies taking on an established industry; today, in many locations, rideshares are the industry. The enactment of this bill strikes an important balance of helping ensure the safe operation of rideshare companies, while allowing those companies to continue to thrive in the marketplace.

* Illinois Healthcare Cultural Competency Coalition…

The Illinois Healthcare Cultural Competency Coalition applauds Governor JB Pritzker’s approval today of legislation that will ensure cultural competency is part of continuing medical education for a range of healthcare providers in Illinois.

“We are a coalition of civil rights, community healthcare, and labor organizations. HB 2450 will ensure that healthcare providers are equipped with critical information and tools to deliver culturally competent care for the diverse communities they serve. Thank you, Gov. Pritzker, for approving this important legislation that keeps Illinois moving forward. We also appreciate the leadership of our legislative sponsors, Sen. Ram Villivalam and Rep. Dagmara Avelar, for their fierce championing of this important legislation with overwhelming bipartisan support.”

The required healthcare cultural competency education will support healthcare providers, such as physicians, nurses, and dentists, with the tools and information they need to effectively and affirmingly serve communities of color, people with disabilities, people of diverse faiths, undocumented individuals, LGBTQ+ people, people living with HIV, intersex people, and other communities that have been marginalized in the healthcare system. HB 2450 also provides healthcare professionals with the flexibility they need to fulfill their continuing medical education requirements. The bill does not eliminate or repeal any currently mandated topics.

In May, HB 2450 passed the Illinois House with a bipartisan 103-01 vote and the Illinois Senate with a bipartisan 52-04 vote. The new law takes effect on January 1, 2025.

* Sen. Lightford…

Recognizing staff shortages in the EMS workforce, Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford led a new law to attract and retain EMS workers.

“The pandemic further exacerbated how vital the EMS professionals are,” said Lightford (D-Maywood). “We need to expand the workforce by prioritizing recruitment and retention of highly-skilled workers.”

Senate Bill 761 works to tackle the emergency medical field workforce shortage head on by allowing more flexibility for EMS directors to use alternative staffing models and creating a task force to bring greater training, recruitment and retention to the field.

Currently, there is a shortage of EMS instructors in particular. Lightford’s law will allow people interested in becoming an instructor to bypass taking an IDPH-approved course if they have sufficient experience to become a director. This will help recruit individuals from other states by eliminating unnecessary hoops when moving to Illinois.

“There are plenty of well-trained people who are ready and willing to step up to lead,” said Lightford. “Let’s put that opportunity in reach. Helping EMS workers helps our community.”

Senate Bill 761 was signed into law Friday.

* Sen. Hastings…

The long awaited renovation to the former Tinley Park Mental Health Center will soon be underway thanks to the advocacy of State Senator Michael E. Hastings.

“Transferring the Tinley Park Mental Health Center to the Tinley Park – Park District was one of the best decisions the state made this year,” said Hastings (D-Frankfort). “The Park District has a track record of working together with everyone in our community and the south suburban region. More importantly, they are capable and have a plan ready when the property is ultimately transferred to them.”

This new law will allow the Tinley Park – Park District to renovate an abandoned property into a first class recreation destination to include a sports park and recreational space for residents in the community to use.

The former Tinley Park Mental Health Center site located on a 280-acre plot of land has been vacant since 2012. The facility was the last of 12 state-owned properties of its kind when its doors were closed a decade ago. Shuttered without maintenance and nestled in the heart of the village, the state-owned property underwent an environmental study in 2019 that lead to the discovery of numerous environmental concerns, including asbestos infested buildings and black mold, among other things.

House Bill 3743 will authorize a land transfer of the presently unoccupied and unused combined campuses of Tinley Park Mental Health District and the Howe Development Center to the Tinley Park – Park District. The Tinley Park – Park District envisions transforming the long-vacant property into a hub of athletic fields, track and field facilities, a domed sports complex and open recreational space to meet the needs of the Tinley Park community and expand opportunities for neighboring communities.

Rep. Rita on the same bill…

State Rep. Bob Rita today is praising a new state law he led this year to create a new recreational and parks showcase in Tinley Park that will create exciting new opportunities for the South Suburbs.

Gov. JB Pritzker has signed House Bill 3743 into law. The bill’s passage was led by Rita in the House from his work with the Tinley Park Park District, his colleagues in the Illinois House and Senate who represent Tinley, and a large coalition of local supporters.

The bill calls for the state of Illinois to sell the rundown former Tinley Park Mental Health Center property to the Park District to move ahead with building a multi-million park and sports complex on the site. Rita also helped ensure $15 million was included in the state budget to clean up the property and prepare it for the Park District to take over.

Rita, D-Blue Island, joined supporters in Tinley in late June to call on the Governor to sign the bill into law.

“This is what the community wanted. They wanted to see a friendly, safe green space, recreational hub, for the entire South Suburbs,” Rita said at the news conference.

Rita said the site will bring people together, and draw activity to the area that doesn’t exist today. The project will serve adults and children, including those with disabilities, and attract sports tournaments and other programs that benefit the entire region.

“We have watched this site sit and waste away for years and years. It’s time to act, and this new complex is the right fit for Tinley Park and the Southland,” Rita said.

“I look forward to working closely with the leaders at the Park Board to make this a turning point for the region, and to build a recreation and park area that makes us proud for many generations ahead. Thank you to Governor Pritzker and my colleagues in Springfield for working together to support our plan.”

* Sen. Villanueva…

State Senator Celina Villanueva championed a newly signed law to allow gender-neutral, multi-occupancy restrooms to be installed in private and public businesses.

“Businesses now have the autonomy to decide how to best show up for their communities,” said Villanueva (D-Chicago). “The inclusivity of this law not only benefits members of the LBGTQ community, but also those with disabilities, the elderly, and people with young children.”

A 2020 law, required that all single occupancy public bathrooms in Illinois become gender neutral.

House Bill 1286 expands on that law, allowing businesses to create gender-neutral multi-occupancy restrooms. However, the legislation is permissive – gender specific multiple-occupancy restrooms are still allowed.

Gender-neutral, multi-occupancy restrooms would be required to include inclusive signage, floor to ceiling stall dividers with locking mechanisms, trash receptacles in each stall, a menstruation supplies vending device, a baby changing station, and be ADA compliant.

“Today we have taken a monumental step to promote privacy, safety and gender inclusivity,” said Villanueva. “We are signaling to parents, caregivers and many other people across the state that their voice matters.”

House Bill 1286 was signed into law Friday.

* Rep. Ammons…

Legislation passed by state Rep. Carol Ammons, D-Urbana, will assist people who have been incarcerated with building new skills and advancing their higher education.

“If the goal of our criminal justice system is rehabilitation, then giving people convicted of crimes the opportunities to learn and develop new skills is absolutely essential,” Ammons said. “Incarceration without rehabilitation is simply revenge, and, in that case, we are inviting offenders to repeat mistakes that pose a threat to their communities.”

House Bill 3648, the Higher Education in Prison Act, requires the Department of Corrections (IDOC) to create a report on higher education programs within IDOC facilities. The goal of this report is to provide the foundation for up-to-date reforms that may be necessary.

The legislation received robust bipartisan support in both the House and Senate and was signed into law by Gov. Pritzker on Friday.

“By helping people get jobs and avoid destructive patterns, this law is a victory for public safety, a victory for our justice system and a victory for incarcerated people looking to earn a second chance,” Ammons said.

* Rep. Canty…

A measure spearheaded by state Rep. Mary Beth Canty, D-Arlington Heights, that promotes equal pay by requiring employers with 15 or more employees to include the pay scale in job postings, was signed into law on Friday.

“It’s past time we relegate unequal pay practices to times past, and this law brings us much closer to making that goal a reality,” Canty said. “Too many generations of workers, especially women, have fought for equal pay and been stymied by employers unwilling to clarify salaries. That ends now. When our kids begin their careers, there will be absolute clarity about pay scale.”

To ensure prospective employees have access to all information on their potential earnings and benefits when determining if they should accept a job, this initiative would require employers with 15 or more employees to publicly post the wage or salary and description of benefits offered for a job, promotion, transfer or other employment opportunity. It also requires employers to provide employees their current wage or salary range along with a general description of benefits upon that employee’s hiring, promotion or transfer, upon the employee’s request.

If an employer does not comply with the act, the Department of Labor would be allowed to conduct its own investigations or file complaints. Any individual who has been aggrieved by their employer’s violation of the wage and salary provisions of the act would also be able to file a complaint with the Department within one year after the date the individual learned of the violation.

“While women have historically been the chief targets of pay inequality, this measure represents progress for all workers,” Canty said. “Simply put, a more transparent workplace is a fairer workplace.”

* Sen. Morrison…

This summer is the perfect time to take up fishing or to reconnect with an old hobby, thanks to a new law from State Senator Julie Morrison that lowers the price of fishing licenses.

“Growing up near a river in Illinois, one of my favorite memories is fishing with my family in the summer,” said Morrison (D-Lake Forest). “Over the past few years, we have grown a greater appreciation for the outdoors, and I want to make sure people have easy access to grow that appreciation and love even more.”

To encourage more people to take up the hobby of fishing, Morrison’s law lowers the annual fee for fishing licenses to $5 for Illinois residents who have not purchased a license in 10 or more years. Non-residents will pay $10.

“There’s nothing better than the bond families can make grabbing a rod and reel and enjoying quality time together,” said Morrison. “From young children to grandparents, fishing is an activity all can grow to love.”

House Bill 2317 was signed by the governor Friday.

* Sen. Koehler…

With the rise of social media influencing, all someone needs to reach fame now is a cell phone. While traditional child actors are protected by the Child Labor Law, there has been nothing on the books for young social media influencers until now, thanks to State Senator Dave Koehler.

“The rise of social media has given children new opportunities to earn a profit,” said Koehler (D-Peoria). “Many parents have taken this opportunity to pocket the money, while making their children continue to work in these digital environments.”

Under Senate Bill 1782, minors under the age of 16 featured in vlogs or other online content are covered under the Child Labor Law. The measure calls for the child – also known as a “kidfluencer”— to be accurately compensated.

The idea for the legislation came from Shreya Nallamothu, a 15-year-old high school student in Koehler’s district. Shreya brought her proposal to Koehler with concerns that money made by child influencers is not protected and that too many young people will fall victim to a parent or guardian taking the assets for their own use.

“When scrolling on social media, I always saw young children and families, called family vlog channels, posting videos online. After finding that users could make money off of platforms such as YouTube and TikTok, I learned that, often, these kids are made to participate in videos without any guarantee of the income generated from the content,” said Shreya. “I wanted to work with Senator Koehler to protect the money that these kids have rightfully earned.”

According to CBS News, kidfluencers with one million followers can earn $10,000 or more per sponsored post. Young children are often featured in social media content without any guarantee of the income they have earned. Because of the age restrictions on online platforms, the content is not created in the child’s name, but rather the parent or guardian who runs the account. While traditional child actors in Illinois have the Child Labor Law to safeguard their earnings, there is nothing in place for kidfluencers. Thanks to Senator Koehler and Shreya, Illinois is now the first in the nation to protect child influencers and ensure they are appropriately compensated under the Child Labor Law.

“This new digital age has given us tremendous opportunities to connect with one another, but it’s also presented legal issues that have never existed before,” said Koehler. “We need to work with our children to see the problems they face and tackle them head-on before any further harm is done.”

Senate Bill 1782 was signed into law Friday and goes into effect July 1, 2024.

* Rep. LaPointe…

A pair of bills spearheaded by state Rep. Lindsey LaPointe, D-Chicago, to connect more residents with mental health support and transform the state’s approach to children’s behavioral health are now law.

“It’s critical that we break down barriers to accessing mental health support for our kids and adults – both day to day and in times of crisis,” LaPointe said. “We should think of mental health care as health care, and continue to change policies so more people can easily pursue support across the spectrum, including annual wellness visits through their insurance.”

LaPointe’s House Bill 2847 will require most insurance plans to offer an annual mental health wellness visit at no cost and no diagnosis. Illinois is the third state to enact this kind of law, which encourages Illinoisans to integrate mental health and wellness into their day to day.

LaPointe also led the passage of Senate Bill 724, which implements recommendations from the Governor’s Children’s Behavioral Health Transformation Initiative. The new law aims to increase and streamline access to care, provide for earlier intervention, improve accountability and transparency in service delivery, and create greater flexibility for state systems to respond to the changing needs of the youth population.

“Drastically improving children’s mental health care in Illinois is a ‘must do’,” LaPointe said. “It’s unacceptable that most Illinois parents don’t know where to turn, and often have to send their children out of state for acute residential care. We have tremendous work ahead to build out our state’s mental health services, including the workforce and system navigation help, but I’m encouraged by the direction we are going and the momentum to expand access for families across the state.”

Both measures passed with bipartisan support and were signed by Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Friday.

“I appreciate the strong advocacy from state Sen. Laura Fine and state Sen. Sara Feigenholtz who led efforts in the Senate to get these passed,” LaPointe said. “I also want to thank Thresholds who was the lead advocate behind House Bill 2847. These bills are the result of hard work and dedication from passionate advocates across our state who are making an impactful difference to improve the lives of countless residents. I am incredibly grateful for their partnership.”

* Sen. Aquino…

Legislation sponsored by State Senator Omar Aquino expanding licensing opportunities and procedures for internationally trained and licensed health care professionals was signed into law Friday.

“The demand for qualified health care professionals in our state will continue to grow in the coming years,” said Aquino (D-Chicago). “This law creates a licensing liaison to serve as a resource for international applicants and streamline the process so we can continue to grow our health care workforce.”

Under Aquino’s legislation, the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation will create an Office of the Ombudsman for International Applicants. This office will employ a full-time licensing liaison for international applicants to assist applicants in answering questions and providing information on education requirements for licenses.

During the 102nd General Assembly, Aquino supported a law creating the Task Force on Internationally-Licensed Health Care Professionals to explore strategies for removing barriers to licensure for international health care professionals. The Task Force identified the need to create a full-time position at IDFPR dedicated to helping applicants navigate the process of gaining licensure in Illinois.

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, international medical graduates worked on the front lines providing critical care to patients across our state,” Aquino said. “Creating a permanent office to help applicants navigate the process of re-establishing their licensure in Illinois is a small way to show our appreciation for their dedication to public health while also helping to combat the shortage of qualified medical professionals.”

House Bill 2948 was signed into law Friday and takes effect Jan. 1, 2024.

* Sen. Feigenholtz…

To set forth concrete guidelines, supports and collaborations that will transform the way Illinois delivers high quality behavioral and mental health care to children and youth, State Senator Sara Feigenholtz championed the Interagency Children’s Behavioral Health Services Act, which was signed into law Friday.

“Families of children with behavioral health challenges seeking help have faced barriers for far too long,” said Feigenholtz (D-Chicago). “The evidence-driven solutions in this plan will create a more streamlined, accessible and responsive system of care for youth in Illinois.”

The plan implements recommendations from the Governor’s Behavioral Health Transformation Blueprint that was released in February. The initiative, which set out to research the current state of mental and behavioral health issues facing children in Illinois and develop recommendations to better help families, was spearheaded by Dr. Dana Weiner and Senator Feigenholtz in collaboration with experts and state agencies that currently serve youth and families.

Feigenholtz’s law creates a centralized intake portal to manage information and provide parents with guidance and referrals to state and community-based programs they are eligible for. It also broadens the supports and placements that community-based providers can offer to youth in crisis, creates a Parent and Guardian Navigator Assistance Program, increases transparency in staffing at residential and institutional facilities and lays the foundation for a plan to provide annual mental health screenings to all K-12 students in the state. Additionally, the law establishes a Children’s Behavioral Health Transformation Officer and Children’s Behavioral Health Services Team in response to the nationwide youth mental health crisis.

“The need for timely and appropriate care cannot be overstated – families and children need access to services now,” Feigenholtz said. “Soon, parents and providers will be able to rely on this legislation as a roadmap to finally get children the care they need.”

Senate Bill 724 was signed into law Friday and takes effect immediately.

* Sen. Belt…

State Senator Christopher Belt led a new law that will ensure fair compensation for teachers and protect school boards from undue financial burdens.

“Our state’s educators deserve a fair salary that keeps pace with the rising cost of living,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “This shows that we care about all teachers in the state who are educating our future leaders.”

The new law will establish the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability as the agency responsible for adjusting the teacher minimum salary in accordance with annual increases in inflation rates. In addition, the law addresses concerns related to potential higher pension contributions resulting from increased minimum teacher salaries. It ensures that school boards will not be penalized for fulfilling their obligation to provide competitive compensation to teachers.

“I’ve always been a vocal advocate for education and a champion for teachers’ rights, and I’ll continue to work hard to support and value them,” said Belt.

House Bill 300 was signed Friday and takes effect immediately.

* Sen. Peters…

Recognizing the humanity of individuals impacted by the criminal justice system, State Senator Robert Peters championed a new law that will end the requirement of disclosing criminal background information in certain license applications.

“There’s no need to disclose criminal background information when it can’t be used against an applicant for licensure,” said Peters (D-Chicago). “Once individuals impacted by the justice system disclose this information, they often face discrimination despite rectifying their mistakes.”

Under previous law, the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation would consider mitigating factors and evidence of rehabilitation contained in an applicant’s record after finding that the applicant for a license, certificate, or registration was previously convicted of a felony or misdemeanor.
Peters’ law forbids inquiry into criminal history by IDFPR if the licensing statute states that criminal history cannot be used against an applicant. With this new prohibition, IDFPR would only need to perform a mitigating factor analysis in limited circumstances.

“One of the goals of the justice system is to rehabilitate individuals, not blacklist them once they are released from detention centers,” Peters said. “Second chances are given endlessly to those without justice system involvement. This same opportunity should be extended to everyone seeking to improve their lives and the community around them without judgement.”

House Bill 2826 was signed into law Friday.

* Sen. Peters…

State Senator Robert Peters’ measure establishing an annual report on the racial and ethnic makeup of applicants denied licensure by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional regulation was signed into law Friday.

“Appropriate licensure of businesses is an important stepping stone that allows businesses operate,” said Peters (D-Chicago). “We want businesses to thrive in Illinois. To make sure this is happening, we need our ears to the ground at every level to make sure we are doing everything we can to remove bias in the licensing process.”

Peters’ new law will require the Department to request and report information regarding applicants’ ethnicity, race, sex and disability. By March 1 each year, IDFPR is now required to publish a report with the demographic information it collected, the number of applications for licensure and renewal, and the number of applicants denied licensure in the preceding calendar year.

Under previous law, IDFPR was not required to collect this type of data in licensure applications.

“There comes a time when every information system, no matter how big or small, needs to be updated,” Peters said. “The system update required by this new law will shed light on areas that may need further action, such as a pattern in licensing application denials.”

House Bill 1612 was signed into law Friday.

The Chicago Football Classic – EVENTS

Brief Description:

For decades, Historically Black Colleges and Universities have been a safe haven for African   Americans housing a combination of customs, soul, Black intellect, and solid identity development. We celebrate our heritage and ancestry, through relevant education and at tailgates, through showtime band tunes, laughter, lighthearted banter, high-spirited football games, and step shows!

There are too many African American students who do not know that historically Black Colleges and Universities exist. This means minority students who are suppressed and oppressed in today’s society, are not aware of the safe space and community that is provided at these institutions. Imagine the difference it makes for a Black student who lacks the motivation to see the culture of Black Colleges. How rejuvenating and inspiring could it be for students to have something to look forward to post-high school graduation?

Exposure is key.

The Chicago Football Classic is more than just a football game! This rich experience can inspire a youth prone to violence, to be determined for success at an HBCU. Black students require intentional engagement and a joyous and love-filled atmosphere. This is what they will receive at this year’s Chicago Football Classic and so much more!

We are asking you to take part in our initiative to introduce African American students to the HBCU culture. We are inviting you to bring a group of students to the 25th Anniversary of The Chicago Football Classic this year! Organizations with groups of 50 or more will receive $5 dollars off per ticket on $25 tickets (Tickets for $20).


Introduce African Americans who are non-HBCU Alum to an unfamiliar culture, but a necessary experience for their identity.



Expose youth to the possibility of attending an HBCU post-high school graduation

Set a precedent for HBCU culture in Chicago.


HBCU Week in Chicago

Chicago Football Classic 2023

25th Anniversary



Saturday, August 26, 2023

HBCU Family Reunion and Cook Out

Where: Rainbow Beach

Time: 11 a.m. – ALL DAY EVENT

Alumnae will participate in games to win money for their school scholarship funds.  Held in the 7th Ward, by Ald. Greg Mitchell, a Grambling State Alumnus

Hosted by various HBCU Alumni Associations



Tuesday, August 29, 2023

HBCU Day at the Chicago Cubs Wrigley Field

Where: Wrigley Field

1060 W Addison St, Chicago, IL 60613



Wednesday, August 30, 2023

“Return of Full Moon Poetry”

Where: Haven in Bronzeville on 43rd Street

Time: 7 p.m.

Hosted by Grammy Award winning “Spoken Word” artist who has written songs for Beyonce, Common, War Poet WordSmith



August 31, 2023

Chicago Football Classic Open – Golf Outing and Luncheon

Harborside International Golf Course

11001 S Doty Ave East, Chicago, IL 60628

Foursome & Hole Sponsorships are available.

Starts: Registration 8 a.m. Shotgun 9 a.m.

Sponsored by Beam Suntory


August 31, 2023

“Greek Step Show” sponsored by the Chicago Treasurer Office Melissa Conyears -Ervin (Sigma Gamma Rho)

Where: Chicago State University

9501 S King Dr, Chicago, IL 60628

Time: 6 p.m.



Friday, September 1, 2023

A Taste of the “Battle of the Bands”

Featuring MSVI & Central State

Where: Daley Plaza

Time: Noon



September 2, 2023

College & Career Fair

Soldier Field in the United Club

1410 Special Olympics Dr, Chicago, IL 60605

8 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.


Battle of the High School Bands

Soldier Field – South Lawn

12 p.m.


Vendor Marketplace

HBCU & Greek paraphernalia and other items

1:30 p.m. – end of the game


“Greek Row – with the Divine 9” @ The United Club in Soldier Field

The National Pan Hellenic Council of Chicago (NPHCC) will be hosting the Black sororities & fraternities.

1:30 p.m. until end of the game

Networking, photo booths


For additional information or details on how to purchase group rate tickets call 773.874.8000 Ext 4025 or email

Experience the Excitement of Chicago Football Classic at Soldier Field with an Exclusive Promo Code!

Event Overview: Are you ready for a thrilling and action-packed football experience like no other? Look no further than the Chicago Football Classic! This highly anticipated annual event showcases some of the best college football talent in the nation, bringing together passionate fans from all walks of life to witness gridiron greatness at its finest. The event takes place at the iconic Soldier Field, one of Chicago’s most renowned stadiums, offering an unforgettable setting for a day of football festivities.

About the Chicago Football Classic: The Chicago Football Classic has become a beloved tradition, attracting fans from far and wide to indulge in the excitement and camaraderie that only football can provide. This event features two prominent Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) facing off on the field, making it a celebration of culture, heritage, and sportsmanship.

Aside from the thrilling football action, the Classic also offers a vibrant atmosphere filled with tailgating, music, food, and entertainment. Whether you’re a die-hard football enthusiast or simply looking to experience the spirit of the game, the Chicago Football Classic promises an unforgettable day for all attendees.

Event Highlights:

  • Intense Gridiron Showdown: Watch as two HBCU football powerhouses go head-to-head in a highly competitive battle for victory on the hallowed turf of Soldier Field. Witness the impressive skills, athleticism, and determination displayed by these college athletes as they vie for glory.
  • Cultural Celebration: The Chicago Football Classic isn’t just about football; it’s also a celebration of culture, diversity, and heritage. Embrace the unique traditions and experiences that HBCUs bring to the game, making this event an opportunity to appreciate the richness of African-American history and excellence in education.
  • Exciting Pre-Game Festivities: Before the kick-off, immerse yourself in the lively pre-game festivities that surround the stadium. Enjoy the electric atmosphere as fans come together to tailgate, share stories, and create lasting memories.
  • Family-Friendly Entertainment: The Classic is designed to be a family-friendly event, catering to football fans of all ages. Kids will have a blast with various activities and entertainment options, ensuring an enjoyable experience for the entire family.

Promo Code Offer: To make your Chicago Football Classic experience even better, we are delighted to offer an exclusive promo code! Receive a fantastic $5 discount off a group ticket purchase of $25 or more for groups of fifty (50) or more attendees. This special offer is courtesy of Soldier Field, and it’s our way of showing appreciation to all the football fans out there. BCPN23

How to Redeem: Redeeming your promo code is easy! Simply follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official Chicago Football Classic website at
  2. Navigate to the ticketing section and select the group ticket option.
  3. Enter the promo code supplied by Soldier Field during the checkout process.
  4. Enjoy the $5 discount per ticket when your group consists of fifty (50) or more attendees.

Please note that this offer is available for a limited time only, so act fast to secure your discounted tickets and reserve your spot for this extraordinary football event.

Join Us for an Unforgettable Football Experience: Whether you’re a die-hard football aficionado or a casual spectator looking for an exciting day out, the Chicago Football Classic promises to deliver. Embrace the thrill of college football, witness the cultural celebration, and be part of an event that unites communities through the love of the game. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to experience the Chicago Football Classic at Soldier Field with our exclusive promo code!

Mark your calendars, invite your friends and family, and let’s come together to celebrate the spirit of football and the vibrant HBCU culture. We can’t wait to see you at Soldier Field for an action-packed day of football festivities and fun!

Davis Opening Statement at Ways and Means Worker and Family Support Subcommittee Hearing

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program fails to help the vast majority of families in need. It is shameful, but it results from policies my colleagues demanded.

Republicans insisted on making it so hard for states to help poor families who need cash assistance, education, training, and childcare to escape poverty that states started diverting funds to other uses, called “non-assistance” spending.  In 2020, states spent only about 20 percent of their federal and state TANF funds on cash assistance and only about 10 percent on work, education, and training. Some states, like Mississippi and Tennessee, choose to stash tens of millions of dollars in a bank account rather than help poor families.

Republicans insisted on imposing crushing administrative burdens designed to kick families off direct cash assistance under the guise of accountability.  Even though Republican witnesses recommended lessening work requirements and restrictions on education and training, the GOP debt limit provisions doubled-down on harsh work requirements.  These Republican-driven policies trap families in poverty by rejecting them altogether, pushing them into meager child-only TANF, or forcing them into poverty-level jobs rather than building economic security.

Republicans insisted on TANF being a block grant that gave states wide latitude to fund activities that do not help poor parents. Incredibly, unlike any other law, Republicans insisted on a statutory prohibition on federal oversight that limits transparency, fraud detection, and enforcement. When Mississippi advocates asked this Subcommittee for help years ago to get the Trump Administration to examine how the state was using TANF, we had to direct them to state officials to investigate this issue due to this prohibition on enforcement. Unfortunately, even after the fraud revelation, advocates STILL cannot get answers about how TANF is used locally. I hope our witness, State Auditor White, will help remedy that lack of transparency.

It is also deeply troubling that – less than 24 hours after the TANF fraud was announced –Mississippi lawmakers at the urging of State Auditor White – advanced a bill to allow him to review the tax returns of TANF cash recipients, a requirement that was not imposed to my knowledge on the many TANF subcontractors and businesses.

So let us be clear – TANF is working exactly as the Republican TANF system was designed.

Democrats absolutely think TANF needs a fundamental overhaul, but any reform should start with improving family stability by reducing burdensome requirements and providing sufficient access to financial support, childcare, education, and career pathways to help families thrive.  Families need stability before parents can be reliable workers, and reliable workers need quality jobs to escape poverty.

Predictable financial assistance is central to stability for parents to hold self-sustaining jobs. We saw during the pandemic that reliable financial assistance via the Child Tax Credit helped cut child poverty by 40 percent.

Further, a recent report by Chapin Hall details how state policies that increase access to TANF and cash assistance are associated with decreased child maltreatment.  For example, a $100 increase in TANF cash benefits is associated with reduction in maternal self-reported physical child maltreatment.  In contrast, for families receiving TANF who experience material hardship—such as difficulty meeting basic needs—they are three times more likely to experience a neglect investigation and four times more likely to experience a physical abuse investigation.

TANF benefits in most states remain at their lowest value since the program started in 1996.  Yet research shows that, for families with children under the age of 5, receiving an extra $3,000 per year boosts children’s adult earnings by 17%. So, investing in cash assistance now would help lift children out of poverty both NOW and in the FUTURE.

The failure of TANF falls disproportionately on children of color whose families experience greater barriers to economic stability.  Black, American Indian and Alaska Native, Asian, and Latino children experience higher poverty rates than white children.  Yet 48 percent of Black children live in states with benefit amounts below 20 percent of the federal poverty level compared to only 35 percent of white children.

I served on this Committee back when there was a good-faith, bipartisan effort to reform TANF. Now, those efforts have been repeatedly torpedoed by extremists demanding harsh work requirements.  Limiting states from using non-assistance dollars will do nothing to lift Americans out of poverty if we do nothing to help states serve low-income families by providing cash assistance and work supports while also removing the ineffective work requirements.


Ms. Tumia (Tee-om-ma) Romero

MAOM, PH.D. Candidate in Public Policy

Chief of Staff/Chief Communications Officer

Office of U. S. Representative Danny K. Davis

Ways and Means Committee

Ranking Member, Committee on Worker and Family Support and

Member, Subcommittee on Health

773-533-7520 or 202-225-5006

Illinois Broadband Lab Summer Series

Hosted by Illinois Office of Broadband | University of Illinois System | University of Illinois Extension | Benton Institute for Broadband & Society | Illinois Broadband Lab


July & August 2023 | Thursdays 12PM-1PM CT
The Illinois Broadband Lab and University of Illinois Extension will host a series of webinars throughout summer 2023 to help communities and providers across the state to learn best practices and available grant opportunities for how to increase broadband access, adoption, and application. The webinars will bring together guest experts, helpful resources, and new tools and initiatives for those just getting into the Connect Illinois conversation, as well as detailed assistance for those looking to learn more about grant opportunities and next steps on their broadband projects and goals.

The schedule integrates two tracks, which combine helpful insight and information on broadband and digital equity issues and opportunities (Track A) with detailed guidance on how to apply for and manage an Illinois Office of Broadband grant (Track B):
Track A: Guidance for Grant Applications and Grant Management
July 6 – Digital Equity & the Capacity Kickstarter (DECK) Grant Program (Notice of Funding Opportunity)
July 13 – The Notice of Funding Opportunity & Application Requirements
July 20 – Procurement and the Grant Accountability & Transparency Act (GATA)
Aug 3 – Prevailing Wage & the Illinois Works Apprenticeship Program
Aug 17 – Business Enterprise Program & Environmental Review
Track B: Broadband and Digital Equity Education and Opportunities
Audience: Designed for local leaders, community stakeholders, and the general public who are looking to learn how to increase broadband access, adoption, and application in their communities:
July 27 – The Community Role in Broadband Development
Aug 10 – Broadband Technologies Overview
Aug 24 – Broadband Funding, Partnerships & Project Development
Aug 31 – Adoption, Affordability & Digital Inclusion
more information can be found here: