Spotlights on family Engamement Resources

The School Community Network (SCN) provides resources such as these spotlights, trainings, and tools to build strong school communities focused on student learning.  SCN is sponsored by the Academic Development Institute (ADI), a nonprofit organization in Lincoln, Illinois. SCN’s work draws from ADI’s nearly 40 years of experience and extensive research in family and community engagement.

lan ahead to support family engagement in summer learning by visiting our spotlights page for links to the resources below (and find even more in our searchable databases), or plan your summer reading with the help of recent book reviews from the School Community Journal.

Summer Stride  

Learning Heroes

This website can help parents and families: “Before school lets out, ask the teacher where your child is doing well, where more support may be needed, and what you can do over the summer to set them up for success in the next grade.” It provides tools, tips, and resources to do just that, and it is also available in Spanish:

Avance en el Verano (Summer Stride)

Antes de que terminen las clases, pregúntale al maestro en qué área le va bien a tu hijo, donde necesita más apoyo y qué puedes hacer en el hogar para prepararlo para el siguiente grado. Obtén el Chequeo Académico una nueva herramienta de aprendizaje (gratuita) para el verano.


Discover Summer (website)

National Summer Learning Association & InPlay

“With our new summer search feature, your family can discover summer programs, both in-person and virtual, right in your community. You also have easy access to resources from leading youth organizations to keep the learning going. When we nurture and cultivate a young person’s natural brilliance and curiosity, there are positive ripple effects that last a lifetime.” Infographics and many other resources are linked.


Summer Learning Toolkit

Wallace Foundation

“With more than 50 evidence-based tools and resources—drawn from the work of five urban school districts and their partners, and aligned with research from RAND—the Summer Learning Toolkit helps educators deliver programs that make a real difference.” Tools include videos, tip sheets, samples, and guidance; the Summer Planning Calendar and Sustainability Tools also include detailed companion and facilitation guides.

Smarter Summers. Brighter Futures. A Summer Playbook for PTA and School Leaders

National Summer Learning Association

With this Playbook, PTAs, along with teachers and principals, will have a robust and research-based toolkit to keep youth safe, healthy, and engaged in learning during the critical summer months through a schoolwide commitment to summer fun and learning, collaboration around access to resources, and connections with families to celebrate summer learning fun.