Community Project Funding in FY24

The House of Representatives Appropriations Committee will again accept requests for Community Project Funding in FY24. However, the FY24 project options are substantially limited compared to the prior years. I have enclosed a list of accounts available for project requests. There are no opportunities for projects in the following areas:

• Defense;

• Financial Services and General Government;

• Labor, Health, and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies;

• Legislative Branch; or

• State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs.


Within a few days, you can find an overview of my Appropriations process and a link to an online form to make a Community Project Funding request under the “Services” tab on my website: Deadline: Based on information from the Appropriations Committee, we have set a deadline for submitting Community Project Funding requests for Thursday, March 16, 2023.

Online Form: If your organization is a government entity or a non-profit organization located in the IL-7 th District and would like to request Community Project Funding, please complete the online Project Request Form and send supporting materials to my staff person,

Demonstrated Community Support: The Appropriations Committee made clear that
community engagement and support are crucial in determining which projects are worthy of
Federal funding. If your organization plans to apply for Community Project Funding, your
application will need to include evidence of community support, such as:

• Letters of support from elected officials or newspaper editorial boards;
• Press articles highlighting the need for the project;
• Projects listed on state intended use plans, community development plans, or other
publicly available planning documents; or
• Resolutions passed by city councils or boards.

Senate Appropriations: Importantly, the House and Senate project requests are independent. I encourage you to contact Senator Durbin and Senator Duckworth to understand their Appropriations processes and deadlines for Congressionally-directed funding to give your organization the best chance of being selected for funding. Information about the Senators’
processes can be found online:

Link to Senator Durbin’s Congressionally-Directed Spending Webpage

Link to Senator Duckworth’s Congressionally-Directed Spending Webpage


Informational Webinar. Please join us for an informational meeting about Community Project Funding to learn about best practices for putting together a compelling application and to ask specific questions about the process. The meeting will be: • Wednesday, March 8, 2023, from 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. CST. Register here.

Ms. Tumia (Tee-om-ma) Romero

MAOM, PH.D. Candidate in Public Policy

Chief of Staff/Chief Communications Officer

Office of U. S. Representative Danny K. Davis

Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Worker and Family Support

Member, Sub-Committee on Health

773-533-7520 or 202-225-5006