Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Transitional Housing FFY21 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO# 1745-2439)

The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority is requesting proposals for grants Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Transitional Housing FFY21. Grants will be made with Improving Criminal Justice Response and FFY21 funds. A total of $2,830,000 in funding in VOCA is available through this solicitation for use over a period of 12 months.

Application deadline: 5:00 P.M., January 18, 2023

Program Requirements

This funding opportunity will support transitional housing services for persons whose housing needs arise from or are a cause of their victimization. Eligible clients include adults (and, when appropriate, their dependent children) and victims of crimes, including, but not limited to, domestic violence (including intimate partner violence), human trafficking, anti-LGBTQ+ violence, and forced labor.

The program narrative must thoroughly explain housing models and rent structures. Applicants are responsible for including personnel costs in their budget and budget narrative needed to accomplish program requirements. Funding for this program is limited to salary and benefits for personnel providing direct services and direct supervision of victim service providers. If the chosen housing model involves the agency serving as landlord, landlord and service provision roles must be listed as separate staff. Applicants must explain how these roles will be clearly distinct. A case manager position is mandatory for each program.

Eligibility Information:

Agencies must be registered in the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) Grantee Portal,, to become eligible to apply for an award. Applicants must be in good standing with all GATA pre-qualification requirements and received approval of the Internal Control Questionnaire (ICQ) SFY 23, before the execution of the grant agreement.

Eligible Applicants

Eligible applications must:

  • Represent a public agency and/or nonprofit organization.
  • Demonstrate a record of providing effective services.
  • Involve volunteers.
  • Promote Community Efforts to Aid Crime Victims.
  • Help crime victims apply for compensation.
  • Comply with federal rules regulating grants.
  • Uphold civil rights.
  • Comply with state criteria.

See Section C, page 13 of NOFO for further information.


Completed application materials must be emailed to by 5:00 P.M., January 18, 2023, to be considered for funding. Proposals will not be accepted by mail, fax, or in-person. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Late submissions will not be reviewed.

Available Funds

Grants available through this funding opportunity are a portion of a VOCA FFY21. A minimum of $2,830,905 dollars will be made available through this funding opportunity.

Period of Performance

Funding is available for the period of March 1, 2023, through February 29, 2024.

Technical Assistance Session

Technical assistance recordings providing additional information regarding this funding opportunity will be available for viewing beginning on December 12, 2022.

Information provided during this webinar recording will be unofficial and not binding on the state.

Notice of Intent

Agencies interested in applying are asked to submit an online Notice of Intent by December 20, 2022.


Task Date
NOFO posted December 7, 2022
Technical Assistance Recording available December 12, 2022
Notice of Intent due December 20, 2022
NOFO question submission deadline January 6, 2023
Applications due 5:00 P.M. CST, January 18, 2023
Budget Committee review/approval of recommended designations February, 2023
Performance Period March 1, 2023, through February 29, 2024


Recipients must submit periodic financial reports, periodic performance reports, final financial and performance reports, and a calendar year end financial report in accordance with the CFR Part 200 Uniform Requirements. Future awards and fund drawdowns may be withheld if reports are delinquent.

Required Documents

The following documents must be emailed to by the 5:00 P.M., January 18, 2023, deadline for application review.

  • Uniform State Grant Application
  • Program Narrative
  • Budget/Budget Narrative
  • Memorandum of Understanding(s)


Questions regarding this NOFO may be submitted to until 5:00 P.M., January 6, 2023.

All substantive questions and responses will be posted. NOFO material updates and applicant questions and responses will be posted weekly. View them here.

Contact Information

Malea Conro
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority

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