Illinois Broadband Lab Summer Series

Hosted by Illinois Office of Broadband | University of Illinois System | University of Illinois Extension | Benton Institute for Broadband & Society | Illinois Broadband Lab


July & August 2023 | Thursdays 12PM-1PM CT
The Illinois Broadband Lab and University of Illinois Extension will host a series of webinars throughout summer 2023 to help communities and providers across the state to learn best practices and available grant opportunities for how to increase broadband access, adoption, and application. The webinars will bring together guest experts, helpful resources, and new tools and initiatives for those just getting into the Connect Illinois conversation, as well as detailed assistance for those looking to learn more about grant opportunities and next steps on their broadband projects and goals.

The schedule integrates two tracks, which combine helpful insight and information on broadband and digital equity issues and opportunities (Track A) with detailed guidance on how to apply for and manage an Illinois Office of Broadband grant (Track B):
Track A: Guidance for Grant Applications and Grant Management
July 6 – Digital Equity & the Capacity Kickstarter (DECK) Grant Program (Notice of Funding Opportunity)
July 13 – The Notice of Funding Opportunity & Application Requirements
July 20 – Procurement and the Grant Accountability & Transparency Act (GATA)
Aug 3 – Prevailing Wage & the Illinois Works Apprenticeship Program
Aug 17 – Business Enterprise Program & Environmental Review
Track B: Broadband and Digital Equity Education and Opportunities
Audience: Designed for local leaders, community stakeholders, and the general public who are looking to learn how to increase broadband access, adoption, and application in their communities:
July 27 – The Community Role in Broadband Development
Aug 10 – Broadband Technologies Overview
Aug 24 – Broadband Funding, Partnerships & Project Development
Aug 31 – Adoption, Affordability & Digital Inclusion
more information can be found here: